Cera James
Cory James
•Two parts of the service. One part is to provide AOD support to Corrections ( whānau coming out of prison – transition into community with AoD support relapse prevention), Restorative justice providers for Kaitaia ( whānau coming out of sentencing –
supporting the relationship with offender).
Work alongside OT – supporting whānau coming through ROC process. ( whānau who require intensive support). Counselling is provided with whole whānau .
Work with 5- 12 year olds ( Awhi maiAwhi Atu) counselling at schools ( supporting them in their place in their whānau - looking at how to understand what’s going on in their whānau – here we support them to community to articulate what’s going on for them). Utilise youth development approaches and working alongside their whānau .
12 – 24 years of age: Youth mentoring – we are working in the mild to moderate space. Anything with higher needs are referred to the DHB.