About Us
Ko wai mātou?
Kia Piki Te Ora has a rich 20-year history as a Māori Public Health approach to suicide prevention. Reset and codesigned across Aotearoa in 2023, the Muriwhenua co-design leads a transformative and improved approach based on kaupapa Māori principles
Background Policy
Every Life Matters – He Tapu te Oranga O Ia Tangata:
Our strategies align with national suicide prevention goals set for 2019–2029, focusing on Māori ownership, culturally safe supports, and whānau-centred treatment models.
Tūramarama Ki Te Ora:
Committed to preventing Indigenous suicide, we emphasize the protection of whakapapa and the acknowledgment of intergenerational trauma.

What we do?
Our service aims to build a robust system supporting wellbeing and addressing the diverse needs of our communities by:
Collaborating with Māori to enable effective Māori leadership in suicide prevention.
Amplifying the voices of those with lived experience of suicidal distress and bereavement.
Promoting collective ownership and clear responsibilities across government, the suicide prevention sector, and communities.
Addressing the unique needs of different population groups to achieve equitable health outcomes.
Shifting from a mental-health service-based response to community-driven support for whānau and individuals in distress.
Acknowledging the impact of suicide on individuals, whānau, and communities, and enhancing support for those bereaved by suicide.
© 2024 Kia Piki Te Ora
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Hono mai ki a mātou i Kia Piki te Ora, as we uphold effective Māori leadership in suicide prevention. We amplify the voices of those with lived experience and foster collaboration across our communities. Stay connected by following our journey on social media as we support whānau, hapu, iwi and communities in their time of need. For more information or to engage with our kaupapa, please contact us.