Reno Tahitahi-Matiu
Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa

Ko wai ahau?
Who am I?
Originally from North Shore, Auckland, I was introduced to the Far North as a teenager and quickly developed a deep connection to this beautiful region. The bond with my whakapapa has only strengthened my love for this place, and it is a privilege to serve the communities here.
As a proud father of thirteen and happily married, I understand firsthand the importance of whānau and strong, supportive relationships. My own experiences fuel my commitment to helping others navigate difficult times. I endeavour to provide a safe space for individuals and whānau to explore their needs and offer ongoing support backed by a team of experienced professionals.
Mō tēnei tūranga mahi
Current Role
Māori Suicide Prevention and Intervention Coordinator
The Māori Suicide Prevention & Intervention role is to support the range of campaigns, programs (including wānanga) and efforts of kaimahi to ensure the efficient, effective, and culturally safe implementation of Kia Piki te Ora Māori Suicide Prevention and Intervention services in Muriwhenua working collaboratively with Te Hiku Hauora services and those in the Far North community who will meet the needs of whānau at risk of suicide or bereaved by suicide.
This is an extended role where prevention and intervention are implemented hand in hand, where whānau who are experiencing distress due to self-harm, suicidality, trauma or grief caused from whānau experience with mental distress and suicide harms will be supported to be well connected to culturally appropriate and therapeutic supports for their whānau wellbeing.